Well, this is Blog Number Nine.  I was watching some YouTube videos on how to play the guitar.  There is some pretty cool stuff on playing.  It was kinda hard to find like beginner ones that were very easy.  Some of the things they showed was to my understanding.  
This is Blog Number Eight on playing the electric guitar.  Playing the guitar is kind of difficult for me.  I can't strum the cords at once.  I don't think my fingers are big enough.  Well, I haven't even beat the Guitar Hero game on easy!  I guess I just have to keep practicing. Not much was done except just played the game and practiced.  bye.
So, the guitar game I have been talking about is just called Rock Band.  The real electric guitar is used as a controller.  There are sensors on the neck that are placed under the strings that tell you if you hit the right note or not.  When you hit the right note it will sound.  This teaches you where to place your fingers and some songs.  There is also a game called Rock Smith.  This is where it breaks down the guitar and teaches you step by step how to play.  Rock Band you are expected to know how to play.  In the game Rock Band (if you have never played) you have to play a song using the guitar.  You have to try and hit every note that appears on the television.  But do not worry it is okay to miss some notes.  Just be sure not to miss to many of the notes or you will fail the song and have to keep retrying.  Once you have beaten a song you keep advancing to harder and harder songs. So for example, you might start off with a nice easy paced song.  As you start coming towards the middle of the game the songs become harder.  Such as a more and more notes plus the song will be longer.  You are able to pick your difficulty from Beginner, Easy, Medium, Hard, and Expert!  In each difficulty the songs are very easy for Beginner and Easy.  As for Medium and Hard there are a lot more notes and much faster.  As for expert, well you might have to be Jimmy Hendrix, it matches the exact sound as the real song note for note and very fast!  Well that is it.  Bye.
So, I played the guitar game again but I did not finish it.  I also tried a little bit of mine.  I am not any good like at all!  Also, I have time to finish this weekend and get better.  So when I learn more I will let you know.  See you later.
Hey there!  This is Blog Number Five.  So I played a little bit of the guitar video game that my cousin has.  It is actually really cool, but it is harder then I expected it to be!  Playing the game does teach you pretty cool stuff.  I am still practicing how to get it down before I move on just by myself and watching videos on YouTube.  Anyways that is it til' next week!
Welcome to Blog Number Four! I found out some things for playing the guitar.  I got the picks I needed to play.  Also, I found out that there is a game that is like guitar hero, but in this game you use a real electric guitar.  This game teaches you how to play, all of the cords and even how to tune.  So on top of watching YouTube videos of people playing, I am going to  learn from a video game!  That seems a lot easier to get taught then just watch! I can even get the game from my cousin I don't even have to go out and buy it.  I am not sure what it is called, but I am pretty sure it teaches you in only a few days.  If and when I learn how to master the basic I will be learning songs to play.  Some of the songs I want to play are country songs.  The one I really want to play is the one by Tim McGraw Highway Don't Care like I mentioned in Blog Number Three.  It is the solo by Keith Urban!  
This is Tim McGraw who sings Highway Don't Care
Blog Number Three!  So I went to go to play the guitar during the five day weekend we had!  Well when I was about to play I found out that I don't have any picks.  So not really a good start on playing.  I hope to get some this weekend with my mom.  I also found some different songs I want to play.  Most of them are country songs. I haven't found any specific songs but some!  One of them is a Keith Urban solo in the song Highway Don't Care by Tim McGraw!  I am in need of some research skills.  I don't know what would be better, YouTube videos or the disc that came with the guitar.  These both sound like good ideas but I am thinking the YouTube videos because I can learn from many different artists, instead of just one.  Anyhow I just hope playing the guitar is easier than I think!  Well, that is Blog Number 3! Have a nice day.
Alright, i'm back with Blog Number Two for the #20Time project!  So as you know I am going to learn how to play the guitar.  I haven't started the research yet but, I am going to start soon.  I have decided that I am going to play the electric guitar and not the acoustic.  Sooner or later I will learn to play the acoustic!  The first, thing I have to do is tune the guitar.  You don't want the cords to loose or you won't get the right sound.  Also, you don't want them to tight or they will be able to snap.  Then if that happens you won't have a guitar to play.  Anyways back to the research.  Second I will have to find the videos somewhere, like YouTube, so I will be able to actually play and not just strum the cords!  Third, I will have to find a song to play that will be easy for me, then hopefully progress to more harder songs.  By the end of this I want to play "Thunder Struck" by AC/DC!  If I am able to do this I hope to move on to the acoustic guitar.  After if i accomplish that I am most certainly going to play the piano!  Well, that is it for Blog Post Number Two! Til' next time ladies and gentlemen!
Hi there!  For my 20 time project I am going to learn how to play either the Electric or Acoustic Guitar.  I hope this goes good for me!  I have never played an instrument before, besides the recorder which we had to do.  Anyways, I am going to start out by playing the Electric Guitar first.  Before playing i have to research on how to play it and tune it.  Most of my research is going to be on YouTube videos because that's where it is at! So, this is my 20 time project.


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